What is feminism? I hear that question get thrown around a lot. If its online it usually comes with one of two prefab responses. Either it means a philosophy of equal rights for women or its an evil cuckspiracy to deprive hetero white males of they're god given right to date rape, usually constructed by a diabolical coven of communist lesbians. Like most things on the internet, the first one is overly simplistic and the second is childishly over-convoluted. But it is a good question and one I'll return to in a few paragraphs.
An equally good question is what is a feminist? And, for that matter, what isn't? Can a feminist have a cock? Can a feminist be Pro-Life? Can a feminist be a sadomasochist and support the rights of sex workers? Can a feminist reject the very notion of binary gender? And can a feminist despise big government?
My answer to all these questions is, I sure fucking hope so, because I consider myself to be a feminist with all the above provisions.
Though I don't identify as strictly male, I do happen to possess a cock and I don't think I'm going to get rid of it in the near future, though as a genderqueer person the temptation to go full Bobbitt isn't a totally alien concept to me. But you don't have to be a chick to be a feminist. You just have to give a shit about chicks and value them as more than just warm holes waiting to be fucked.
I've always considered myself to be Pro-Life; anti-abortion, anti-death penalty and anti-war. Life is sacred and murder is wrong. With that being said, I don't believe that state intervention in the matter of abortion (or much else) solves a goddamn thing. It just pushes desperate women and girls back to the hangers and only increases the likelihood of everyone involved getting killed which kind of defies the whole point of being Pro-Life in the first place if you ask me. I'm also not particularly fond of the notion of giving the state power over someone else's biology regardless of intent. Some people might even describe my position as Pro-Choice (I don't) but just try to question the sanctimony of partial birth baby scrambling to your garden variety feminist and wait for the claws to come out. Mothers rights matter but so do the rights of the potential women they carry, so I advocate for voluntary non-violent alternatives. Drown me.
On the flip side, I've also always considered myself to be a proud pervert and a devoted member of the BDSM family. I like whips and chains and piss and blood and strap-ons and high heeled boots and a lot of other shit that seems to rile up the Andrea Dworkin set of radical feminists. Vanilla sex just doesn't do it for me, fuck if I know why. You might as well ask me why I like pussy and occasionally wish I had one. It's just the way I'm wired. But what's wrong with that? What's so wrong with pornography and prostitution and giving women the right to use their own goddamn bodies however the fuck they please? What ever happened to 'keep you're laws off my body'? How is the right to rent your pussy out any different than the right to vacuum a pesky little fetus out if it? Aside from the fact that nobody gets killed from engaging in the prior, of coarse.
And last but hardly least, if you're even mildly familiar with this blog, you know I have nothing but disdain for the tired notion of two distinct genders, separate but equal, not to mention the bully state that thrives off of enforcing such divisive and arcane notions. Gender, just like sexuality, is a naturally fluid concept inspired by biology but not defined by it. It's a vast spectrum too broad for two labels or even twenty. That doesn't however mean that femininity, in all its splendid forms, isn't scapegoated, exploited and discriminated against by the very state that the Gloria Steinem's of this world want to save us. What do you think accounts for the fact that the lion share of violence against trans people is directed against transwomen and other femmes? Western Society despises us for embodying the qualities it rejects- familial collectivism, maternal empathy and, above all else, a sense of strength in vulnerability that fosters solidarity with the oppressed. Most of the first whites to join the civil rights movement were women and women were the first breeders to truly embrace the queer liberation movement. You don't have to be an anarchist to be a feminist anymore than you have to have a cunt to be a woman but, in both cases, it doesn't hurt, at least until it bleeds.
So what is feminism? Liberals will tell you it's a ridged partisan science and conservatives will tell you it's a rabid partisan virus. The reality is it's neither. It's a devotion to full spectrum equality by, any means necessary, regardless of race, class, sexuality or genitalia. Along with the acceptance of the bitter fact that we live in a society designed to oppress women of all shapes and forms, be they cis, trans, master, slave, prostitute, john, liberal or even conservative and that this society must be destroyed by OUR hands, OUR hearts and OUR voices. Silence is not an option. Feminism is a righteous racket in a voiceless void. Feminism is a refusal to be ignored.
So is this what a feminist looks like, dearest motherfuckers? You're goddamn right it is and don't you fucking forget it.
Peace, Love and Empathy- CH
Soundtrack: Songs that influenced this post.
* Human Behavior By Bjork
* Rebel Girl By Bikini Kill
* Cherry Bomb By The Runaways
* Your Best American Girl By Mitski
* Suggestion By Fugazi
* Pretend That We're Dead By L7
* Jennifer's Body By Hole
* I Blame Myself By Sky Ferreira
* Rape Me By Nirvana
* These Boots Are Made For Walking By Nancy Sinatra
* Cheerleader By St. Vincent
* By Any Means Necessary By Atari Teenage Riot