Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hezbollah is Not Hamas

Victory comes quick to cowards with superior firepower, but that victory is almost always short lived. You would think that Israel, or any other proxy student of western colonialism, would have learned this lesson by now but here comes Bibi, landing on an American battleship in his shiny new F-16, mugging it up for the cameras beneath a big banner that reads 'Mission Accomplished.'

And there is no denying that this has been a pretty sweet Indian summer for Zionist terrorism in Southern Lebanon. After obliterating several international laws and several children with thousands of exploding handheld devices, Israel kicked off its new offensive against Hezbollah by assassinating the organization's mercurial Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, and about 300 other people including a senior commander for Iran's Revolutionary Guard with a massive 2,000-pound bomb with the American gift card still attached. According to western sources, these attacks and others like them have left the plucky Shia militia in shambles with a large portion of their leadership decapitated.

True or false, this is all a part of a much larger plan, as Benjamin Netanyahu established with the public relations choreography surrounding Nasrallah's murder. The bombing took place a day after Bibi had very publicly rejected the latest in a long line of half-assed, western-backed ceasefire proposals and only an hour after he berated the United Nations General Assembly on live television, calling the body a "swamp of antisemitic bile" for politely suggesting that maybe he should tone it down with all the genocide and then declaring a "seven-front war" that can only end in "total victory" over the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and of course Iran. Bibi then retired to a five-star hotel room and personally flipped the kill-switch on an entire neighborhood in Beirut.

But in all his brazen bravado, Netanyahu has actually exposed his cowardice and the delusional hubris which will inevitably damn his conspiracy to tame the Middle East with American ordinances to failure. While all the braindead talking heads in the English-speaking world ooh and awe over the Wagnerian theatrics of Israel's bombastic fireworks display, none of them really seem to grasp the big picture beneath the mushroom cloud.

Israel had to drop an American-made doomsday device the size of an elephant and reduce six apartment blocks to rubble just to kill one man. Had the IDF attempted to enter the suburban Hezbollah stronghold known as Haret Hreik on the ground they would still be attempting to bushwack their way to a retreat through a concrete jungle of hardened Shia guerrillas as we speak.

You see, dearest motherfuckers, Israel is terrified of Hezbollah, and they should be. They have never won a single ground campaign against the outfit even though they have consistently outgunned them, and the reason why should be painfully clear to any casual student of recent Middle Eastern history. To put it simply, Hezbollah is not Hamas. 

Hamas is a grubby, thuggish little Frankenstein that never would have even escaped the laboratory without Israel's support. Bibi and his bros in the Likud intelligentsia have openly bragged about this, their smug conspiracy to arm, fund, and support a two-bit Salafi charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood during the First Intifada in order to sabotage the Two-State Solution by confining the PLO's influence to the West Bank. It worked but it also led to October 7.

Hezbollah however is no Zionist Frankenstein monster. If anything, they are much more like an anti-colonialist Van Helsing, born in the fires of Israel's vampiric foreign policy and hardened by every new bomb they've thrown their way. Hezbollah was formed in 1985 by South Lebanese Shia clerics in order to fight off Israel's occupation of the region using the lessons of Iran's uniquely indigenous revolution as a blueprint. Hassan Nasrallah himself was only elected to lead the organization after its previous Secretary-General had been assassinated by Israel in 1992 and he would lead the organization from the ashes to fight Israel to a standstill during two separate military operations designed to eliminate them in 1993 and 1996.

Ultimately, it was Hezbollah, the scrappy Shia militia that should have died with its leader in 1992, that would finally rid Lebanon of its Zionist occupiers in 2000 before going on to become the world's most heavily armed non-state fighting force, with a paramilitary wing surpassing Lebanon's own army in strength. Hezbollah would best Israel once again in 2006 and then play a pivotal role in razing the Islamic State to the ground by building the Axis of Resistance with a legion of other Shiite militias formed in the craters of western munitions in places like Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

It was on those desert battlefields that the model for Bibi's seven-front strategy to Zionize the Middle East was born. America referred to it as 'Shock and Awe' but it really just amounts to a post-Cold War remake of Nazi Germany's Blitzkrieg in which overwhelming displays of industrial-grade terrorism are used to demoralize and paralyze an adversary. 

As we saw during both the Second World War and the War on Terrorism, this works like a charm at crushing states, but it also rapidly radicalizes civilian populations, creating a virulent breeding ground for partisan militias who end up overwhelming the victorious conquering armies and purging them violently from the host.

In the Middle East, a land totally alien to the Westphalian Nation State foisted upon its sands by generations of western colonialism, Shock and Awe resulted in the birth of a whole new generation of warfare, Fourth Generation Warfare, as it's been coined by paleoconservative cold warriors who became critics of empire during the neocon era. This theory essentially amounts to warfare's return to its decentralized tribal state in which the sainted nation state no longer commands a monopoly over the battlefield, but I personally think that it reaches much deeper than this.

Hezbollah didn't just replace the Lebanese Military in its region, it replaced the state itself with a successful network of welfare and infrastructure projects that have made that state virtually irrelevant and ingrained Hezbollah into the very fabric of South Lebanese society. Yemen's Houthi rebels and Iraq's Sadrists have similarly followed suit, and I believe that this is what Israel and its western sponsors are truly afraid of, a No-State Solution.

Israel only exists at the mercy of completely facetious borders that divide a Palestinian population that dwarfs their occupiers in size, four to one. If physical boundaries were abandoned entirely and Arabs returned to their previous state of stateless kinship societies, Israel would disintegrate, and the west would lose its imperial beachhead at the gates of the Eurasian Century.

This isn't just a theory either; it becomes a reality every time western forces attempt to confront the enemy on the ground in Lebanon. Within days of Israel's spectacular bombardment of Haret Hreik, its first ground operations in the region were met with the quick death of half a dozen commandos from Israel's supposedly elite Egoz Unit at the hands of Hezbollah militiamen literally fighting without a leader. The dead included the squad's decorated commander and was followed shortly by the destruction of three Israeli tanks in a separate ambush.

This is why cowards fight from the sky, raining down thousands of pounds of modern machinery upon civilian populations and starving children by manipulating globalist trade regulations. But as the Nazis learned the hard way at Stalingrad, modern technology alone cannot save an invader surrounded by a decentralized population. Hitler wasn't defeated by the United States or even the Soviet Union. He had his ass kicked by starving Jewish girls with bolt-action rifles built before he was born.

This same fate will fall upon Benjamin Netanyahu and his stormtroopers who seem to have learned nothing from the Holocaust other than how to exploit its memory in order to repeat its crimes. 

Had they paid better attention to the wisdom of their ancestors, they might know that Hell hath no fury like a stateless people scorned. But that's ok, I know a few fellow travelers in the local gentile community willing to remind them.

Peace, Love, and Empathy- Nicky/CH 

Soundtrack: Songs that influenced this post

* Blinded By the Light by Manfred Mann

* Golden Hair by Slowdive

* Kim's Watermelon Gun by Flaming Lips

* Frankenstein by New York Dolls

* Glory by the Airborne Toxic Event

* Divine Hammer by the Breeders

* Bright Lights by the Killers

* The House That Heaven Built by Japandroids

* Impressively Average by Brigitte Calls Me Baby

* Punching Bag by the Front Bottoms

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