There is a mad beast loose in the White House again; a lecherous, creamsicle colored, publicity whore, scantily clad in peeling bronzer and a shrill shock of combed over ginger squirrel pelt. A nasty, petulant brat trapped inside the decomposing carcass of a serial rapist who thinks that being president makes him a Caesar rather than an unwashed mouthpiece for a floundering empire. He has been here before and his last scattershot crime spree ended with him barely escaping the wreckage in unprecedented disgrace while his shriveling fan club threw a violent hissy fit on Capitol Hill.
The only reason this thing called Trump's triumphant return to the scene of the crime is even possible is because the imbeciles who replaced him were too busy facilitating a genocide in Gaza to even begin to clean up his mess. So, now Nero is out, and Caligula is back in but this time that soiled lunatic has gathered a posse; an odd hit squad of Christian Nationalists and technofascists who seem to be committed to using the shockingly resilient cult of personality known as MAGA like a populist-colored wrecking ball rather than simply trying to tame it like Trump's last administration of neocon zookeepers.
The results have been something of a gas chamber of hot air, but they have also been swift, successful, and overwhelming. This time around, the new and improved Donald Trump has been slightly more busy papering the walls of the Oval Office with executive orders than barking about the size of his penis on social media. A lot of this barely literate deluge of proclamations amounts to little more than a fleet of paper airplanes thrown to give Americans the impression that their government has reversed the trajectory of a sinking ship but sadly, some of the targets are fragile enough to be wounded quite severely, even by a fleet of flaming propaganda.
The most obvious examples are the undocumented and the youngest members of my own little tribe of gender outlaws. This is because these people already have next to zero rights in this country because that's the value both parties place on refugees and children. Both castes are essentially just glorified indentured servants in the land of the free, toiling beneath the weight of competing industrial complexes on factory farms and compulsory schools.
So, even a mentally derelict corporate hype man like Donald Trump, kept around to slop the hogs with obscene gestures of imperial chauvinism while Elon Musk guts the Titanic, carries enough weight to crush them for exercise. ICE has already picked up where they left off four years ago, raiding maternity wards in search of the ghosts of MS-13 while the Department of Justice busies itself launching investigations into children's reading rooms and gender-neutral pronouns.
For once, the left in this country seems to have the right idea on how to handle this kind of federally mandated bullying with sanctuary laws and lawsuits. As an unrepentant libertarian localist, I support this kind of small government destabilization even when I'm not the target. By all means, throw everything you can get your fucking hands on into the guts of the machine and encourage every form of local government not to comply with the department of anything. Think local and sabotage nationally.
Twelve states have already declared themselves to be transgender sanctuaries and another eleven along with the District of Colombia have some policy in place to limit local cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. I totally dig the spirit of decentralization going on here but sadly, it falls short of the kind of obstruction necessary to prevent the federal government from behaving like gestapo on steroids. That's because sanctuary laws don't actually render federal legislation inoperative. They merely bar local resources from assisting their acts of executive terrorism.
Considering the amount of tax dollars that both parties already supply the federal pig state with, the most these sanctuary laws can even hope to achieve is slowing down fascism. Any real results would require a dirty little word called nullification; a state's rights gimmick that allows local governments to obstruct federal officials from attempting to apply laws that their communities refuse to recognize.
Most modern leftists reject such acts of local civil disobedience out of hand because of their history of being advocated by bigots looking to stymy integration but I would actually dare to take it a step further and advocate for outright secession as a fundamental civil right for any community that finds their values being crucified on the cross of big government.
I don't deny the risk of such legislation falling into the hands of assholes but that is a risk that any form of democratic governance faces, making the risk far more existential coming from a centralized federal conglomerate which is precisely what Abraham Lincoln turned the Union into the moment he razed habeas corpus in the name of consolidation.
The first Republican president may have succeeded in replacing chattel slavery with its industrial wage-based cousin, but he also set the stage for the kind untrammeled federal expansion that streamlined America's transformation into a global empire and a booming gulag archipelago.
Ironically, if it wasn't for racists like Abraham Lincoln, racists like Strom Thurmond would have probably remained regional threats at best, but instead, the Union ended up supplying such Confederate creatures with the infrastructure necessary to take Jim Crow federal with the War on Drugs and the prison industrial complex. However, small government can cut both ways too.
The sharper Founding Fathers never intended the Union to be anything more than a strategic alliance among the Colonies. This is what the original Constitution, known as the Articles of Confederation, was designed for before the coastal merchant class organized a glorified coup with the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 thus transforming a cluster of easily disposable feudal states into an oligarchy capable of staggering imperial ambitions.
Before this, nullification had actually been successfully used by Northern Colonial abolitionists to resist the Fugitive Slave Act and many of these early American leftists rightly supported succeeding from any Union morally bankrupt enough to include slave states.
As for the Confederacy made possible by the racist language and reckless centralization of this nation's second Constitution, I have long held the unpopular belief that if that nest of genocidal serpents were allowed to secede during the declining economic climate for chattel slavery of the mid-nineteenth century, that this would have likely only made a slave revolt capable of achieving the kind of independence secured by Toussaint Louverture's Black Jacobins in Haiti inevitable in Dixie and on a much larger scale. And just which side do you think that this Freeman's Republic would have taken during the Indian Wars that won the west for white power?
All things considered, it really is little wonder that historically subjugated minorities have traditionally been the leftists most likely to back secession and I'm not just talking about Marcus Garvey.
After the Civil Rights Movement failed to achieve anything in the way of Black Power, a coalition of some of that movement's brightest renegades, including Malcolm's widow, Betty Shabazz, outlaw Panther, H. Rap Brown, and counterpunching play write, Amiri Baraka, gathered amongst the ashes of 1968 Detroit and formed the Republic of New Afrika. A movement which sought to establish a Black majority nation in the region of the South that already contained a Black majority by holding a referendum allowing the progeny of slaves to determine whether or not they wished to remain citizens of a nation that forced itself upon their ancestors.
American Indian Movement veteran Russell Means had a similar notion with his 2007 proposal for the Republic of the Lakota which would have been based on the national borders promised by the United State Government in the Treaty of Fort Laramie and while he received little support from the corrupt governments of the reservations currently occupying that land, Russell was not speaking alone. His voice was one of many in the still growing Land Back Movement that seeks to reestablish indigenous sovereignty over colonized territories from Aztlan to the Kingdom of Hawaii.
This is what I seek for my people too, a Queer nation in which a multi-ethnic race defined by our shared culture of decadent heathen resistance to Anglo-Saxon Protestant assimilation never has to rely on another vanilla technocracy for safety and dignity ever again.
However, as an anarchist I also refuse to resort to Westphalian style nationalism to achieve this dream. I'm much more impressed by my fellow rural minorities in the Amish community who have managed to establish a successful communal society that can coexist with the "English" without borders while still maintaining autonomy both economically and culturally.
The only way to achieve this goal on a massive scale without empowering racists is by establishing pan-secession as a basic human right afforded to every community, no matter how small. This way if Mormon Utah succeeds from the United States, then a Queer city state in Salt Lake could just as easily secede from the Deseret as a four-bedroom Lesbian separatist commune could secede from Salt Lake.
There is indeed a mad beast loose in the White House again but the only reason that hideous thing is anything more powerful than a verbally incontinent houseguest of a racist country club is because the governed have forfeited our consent to a cartel of states united by the mistakes of dead breeders. I for one wish to formally renounce my consent to this government or any other not defined by voluntary membership.
Consider this post an article of secession. Let's just hope it's not the last.
Peace, Love, & Empathy- Nicky/CH
Soundtrack: Songs that influenced this post
* Goo Goo Muck by the Cramps
* I Know a Place by MUNA
* Behind the Wheel by Depeche Mode
* American Nightmare by the Misfits
* Plump by Hole
* Not Too Soon by Throwing Muses
* Two Times by Blondshell
* Home by Now by MUNA
* Provisional by Fugazi
* Declare Independence by Bjork