Sunday, February 16, 2025

Martin's Dream Has Become Malcolm's Nightmare

 Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream, and it sounded pretty fucking sweet on the radio. Even a bitter post-everything anarchist like me gets a little choked up listening to the good doctor's Sermon on the Mount at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Martin had a dream about America living up to its word and redeeming itself after centuries of barbarism by opening its doors and letting everybody in. A dream in which his own children wouldn't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character and all Americans would work together, play together, struggle together, go to jail together. A dream about inclusion that invited everyone to take part in the American Dream.

You could actually argue that America has kind of achieved this goal at least on the surface. In fact, America seems to have made Martin Luther King a major part of their whole sales pitch and the entire month of February is pretty much devoted to making this argument in the form of Black History Month. For 28 days a year, we are all reminded by a host of corporate sponsors that after just three civil rights acts and a few dead heroes America has become a place with Black celebrities, Black billionaires, Black CEOs, senators, generals and Supreme Court judges. We've even had a Black president. In what other indispensable empire could such things be possible?

If this all sounds a little too good to be true, then join the club and get ready to sit through a very short month of appalled guilt trips delivered by straight white dudes in dashikis. To be perfectly clear, I myself am what you might call a honky. In fact, I'm what many would likely refer to as a redneck. But I'm also a neurodivergent transwoman in the thick of Trump Country and I know when I'm being sold a bill of goods. The harsh reality that only a handful of politically incorrect people of color seem to even be willing to touch is that Martin's dream, at least the version sold at Walmart for 9.95, is tragically skin deep and quite nightmarish just beneath the surface.

In 1968, LBJ ordered a study to be done on racial disparity in America after Dr. King's assassination nearly triggered a nationwide revolution across the country's ghettos. The result was the Kerner Commission and what this commission found was a nation wracked by generations of institutional apartheid and a Black community in particular struggling to survive under third world conditions in the wealthiest nation on earth. The most tragic fact made clear by the Kerner Commission however didn't actually surface until half a century after it was published.

In 2025, some 57 years after LBJ passed this nation's last civil rights act while the ghettoes were still burning, study after study shows that racial inequality in this country is virtually unchanged from the one in the yellowed pages of the Kerner Commission and in some places, it has actually gotten worse. The earnings gap remains the same, the wealth gap remains the same, the disparity between Black and white homeownership remains the same, and four generations after desegregation, America's cities are more segregated than ever before.

"But how could this be...?" a frantic white woman cries out in the distance, "We killed Jim Crow!" Perhaps, but the War on Drugs brought him back by turning America's prison system into the most effective tool for white supremacy that the world has ever seen. In 1968, the American prison population was 188,000. Today, it stands at just over two million with another three million people living under some form of judicial supervision which renders convicted felons bereft of nearly every right guaranteed them by the civil rights acts of the 1960s, including the right to vote.

This population is made up overwhelmingly of people of color convicted of non-violent drug offenses and this isn't just some cruel coincidence. It was a deliberate conspiracy conjured up by failed segregationists like Senator Strom Thurmond who used the manufactured panic over America's poverty driven drug habits to turn the federal government they once opposed in the name of state's rights into the kind of white power behemoth that would make the Klan downright irrelevant.

But it wasn't cross-burning goons in white hoods who drove the final nail in this coffin, it was LBJ's Democrats. Men like former President Joe Biden, who Thurmond carefully groomed to take his place as hangman of the Senate Judiciary Committe, and former President Bill Clinton who together passed the largest crime bill in American history in 1994. A legal monstrosity that more than doubled the prison population within a decade with 60 new death penalties, 90 enhanced penalties, 100,000 new cops, and 125,000 new state prison cells. As late as 2007, then Senator Joe Biden described this bill as his proudest achievement. A year later he would serve as Vice President to America's first Black Commander in Chief.

Yes, a handful of the Black bourgeoisie like President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris have reached the pinnacle of American power, but they have only done so by taking part in the violence as token members of a police state still defined by white supremacy. 

So, now we have Dr. King's children not being judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their body count. We have Black prosecutors lynching Black children as adults, Black senators arming the Klan in blue with fucking battle tanks, Black generals reducing entire city blocks to cinders in Black countries like Somalia, Black Supreme Court justices giving it all the rubber stamp of "constitutionality", and Black billionaires taking their cut of the blood money.

This was always the inherent flaw in Martin Luther King's dream. America is an existentially imperial enterprise built on genocide, conquest, and slavery. There was never anything here worth redeeming and including Black people or any other minority into this conspiracy could only succeed in making them complicit at best. Malcolm X, the unofficial villain of Tyler Perry's Black History Month, tried to warn us that this dream could only end in a nightmare, and he did it from the cheap seats of the Lincoln Memorial.

Brother Malcolm took part in Martin Luther King's 1963 March on Washington, the one that ended with the speech that would make Dr. King immortal, but he would leave the Mall disparaging the entire inspirational happening as the "Farce on Washington." That's because Malcolm came to take part in what the March's organizers had originally intended to be a massive act of revolutionary civil disobedience, an occupation of the nation's capital that would cripple its ability to rule until its demands were met. 

However, after meeting with the Kennedy Administration, more moderate civil rights leaders like Dr. King made a deal with Camelot; they would carefully coordinate the march with the administration straight down to the signs caried and speeches given and even agree to a designated curfew if Kennedy agreed to pass a watered-down Civil Rights Act.

Malcolm X and many other fellow marchers were disgusted by this Faustian bargain. They accused King of selling out the Movement to the very people it was supposed to be fighting against, and they were right. JFK used the PR he milked from his photo-ops with the Civil Rights Movement to afford himself the moral cache that allowed him to drop napalm on the third world while still appearing to be a progressive.  

Malcolm and the Black Power Movement that formed by his gravesite saw the oppressed people of this nation as a part of a greater third world struggle for liberation against western imperialism that still rages to this day and while the official dogma of Black History Month struggles to paint this movement as the bitter fruit of Martin Luther King's rivals, the good doctor himself would come to admit that they were right.

In the years following the March on Washington and leading up to his untimely demise, Dr. King became increasingly radical in the face of an empire that he had come to realize had little intention of following through on its promises. King condemned America as the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, declared his solidarity with the Vietcong struggling to liberate their own people by any means necessary in Vietnam, and condemned modern capitalism for being a morally bankrupt fetish totally incompatible with Christian values. 

In fact, during the time of MLK's assassination he was actually plotting another march on Washington known as the Poor People's Campaign that was intended to be more in line with the original's pre-modified goal of a revolutionary national occupation.

King's assassination, like Malcolm's, remains shrouded in the smoke of Cointelpro and J. Edgar Hoover's relentless jihad against civil rights but sadly it proved to be just as convenient for the American Empire as his rebirth as the patron saint of Black History Month did. America's cultural elites have chosen to empathize MLK's more assimilationist early teachings while essentially deleting the fact that he spent the last years of his life defying them with open contempt. The result of this whitewash isn't just the weird rise of the Black white supremacists that such touchy-feely liberals love, it is the rise of more flatulent hate mongers like Donald Trump who they love to hate.

Twenty percent of Black voters kicked up to the Donald in 2024. That's more Black votes than any Republican candidate has received in fifty years going to the most openly racist Republican candidate in fifty years and why not. Wasn't it you white liberals who convinced them that voting for a career white supremacist like Joe Biden was kosher in trying times? Don't get so pissed off just because they took your advice twice.

Nevertheless, with all that vitriol being left in the bucket, I still insist that Black history matters to a Queer hick like me for the same reason that Black Power matters to a Queer hick like me. Even with all the fanfare afforded to the whitewashed mythology of the Civil Rights Movement by the still very white establishment, these same condescending cunts remain more invested than ever in keeping the Black population of this country as incarcerated as humanly possible and that is because no population has ever proven more impossible to assimilate into the American nightmare than the Black population and this is a testament to a proud culture of resistance that leads all the way back to Africa.

A culture of slave revolts and rock n roll. A culture of Black Panthers and gangsta rap. A culture of prison riots, graffiti, lowrider cars and black-market Sour Diesel. A culture defined by being fundamentally ungovernable. In their own ways, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King both embodied this uniquely American outlaw culture, and it is a culture that inspired faggots like me to pick up a brick at Stonewall.

The dream is over. Time to wake up and let the revolution begin.

Peace, Love, & Empathy- Nicky/CH

Soundtrack: Songs that influenced this post

* Cult of Personality by Living Colour

* Hip Hop by Dead Prez

* I Against I by Bad Brains

* List of Demands by Saul Williams

* Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry

* Express Yourself by NWA

* Rock N Roll N*ggar by Patti Smith

* Hey Joe by Jimmi Hendrix

* Who We Be by DMX

* It's a Mirror by Perfume Genius